Array-SL LED Strips Terminal Board (For WS2812B and other 3-wire RGB LEDs)
The Array-SL board enables releasable connections with the Pixblasters MS1 LED controller and an easy build of the LED matrix. It distributes the video control signals and the power sourced from an external +5 VDC power supply. The board includes holes for easy wall mounting.
The Array-SL boards can be ordered through the Crowd Supply – click the below button to learn more!
If you want to order directly from us, please contact us directly at
The photo shows a micro demo LED display using not more than the Pixblasters MS1 LED controller, the Array-S board, the Raspberry Pi single-board computer and the power supply. The original 120 x 16 (H x V) LED matrix is s two (2) meters long and built by 60 LEDs/m strips. With additional power supplies and LED strips, the setup can be extended to a remarkable 512 x 16 resolution and the striking width of 8.7 meters.
Read our blog and find out more about the micro demo LED driving capabilities – CLICK HERE!
This micro demo is operated by the open-source Pixblasters-Light Demo LED Controller IP Core. Click the button to read how we build this demo, or visit our YouTube channel to see the Micro Demo in action.
Open-Source Demo
To enable and encourage developer experiments with the FPGA design and with different RGB LED diodes, the Pixblasters team is providing an open source FPGA demo project and PCB schematics. Find out the code and the complete description at